Who we are & what we offer

Ally Dowsing-Reynolds is a neurodiverse design expert offering a consultancy service to those involved in designing commercial and residential spaces. 

Diagnosed with high functioning ADHD and with a husband diagnosed with ADHD, autism and dyslexia, Ally has the unique combined ability to mesh her understanding of what it is like to be neurodiverse with the knowledge of design and interiors she has gained from 20 years in design agencies and 10 years running a home decor brand.  

Read more about Ally and her experience

Designing with neurodiversity in mind means evaluating what is being put into a room and how it affects the person.

This includes anything that engages the senses -- main areas can include texture, sound, layout, and quality and colour of light to the shape and function of the furniture.

We think about how the people who will be in the space will experience the space. 


Neurodiverse Design Consultancy